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5 Reasons to use Branded Wine Bags

There are many great reasons to use reusable wine bags, but here are the top 5 to give you a good indication of how useful they can be.

  1. Increased Sales: Offering a discount, such as buy 1 bottle and get 1 for 25% off is only one way of increasing sales using reusable bags. There are many other ways of attracting increased sales simply by incorporating the bags into the sale. Offering a free reusable bag if the customer fills it up is another great way to increase sales.
  2. Save Money and Make Money: Instead of buying plastic bags to package the bottles, customers will pay you for the opportunity to get reusable bags. Not only that, but the bags offer free advertising, which also saves money. It's a win-win situation.
  3. Reduce Waste: There is no denying that plastic bags by the trillions are sitting in landfills. Four to five trillion plastic bags are used worldwide annually. They are not biodegradable, and will never break down. The same can be said for cardboard boxes, since most are covered with wax and plastic. Companies contribute to pollution and waste far more than does the consumer.
  4. Gain Respect and Raise the Bar: More consumers are doing their part to reduce environmental waste. They are also noting which companies do the same. People respect, and are more likely to shop at a store or winery which offers items such as the 6 bottle reusable bag. Raising the bar in your community, as well as in your industry can gain some well-deserved respect. What better way than to help reduce waste.
  5. Change to Reusable Bags while it is still and Option: Many other countries are now restricted in which type of packaging their businesses use. Australia is now cracking down on businesses that continue to use plastic bags. It is only a matter of time before consumer demands dictate some sort of restriction in the United States. It will happen; it is only a matter of time. Businesses that are adapting now will be far ahead of those that wait until the last minute.

There are many benefits to using reusable wine bags. It's logical, economical, environmentally friendly, and customers love them. Now is the time to seriously consider using reusable bags. Once you do, you will wonder why you didn't start long ago.