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Fan Article Submission: Grub Tub at the Movies

grub tub at movie theatres

This is an article submitted by a Grub Tub fan, Marissa Delgado, who wanted to share her experience using it at a movie theater:

Over the weekend, I went to Arclight Cinemas in Manhattan Beach and used the much talked Grub Tub. I recently received a Grub Tub from my friend Emily so I figured using it at the theater was the best scenario to see what the product is all about. I mean why not? It seems like a fun and easy way to keep all my theater snacks in the convenience of one cup.

I ordered a popcorn and a large coke. With Grub Tub, my buttery popcorn fit perfectly atop the beverage. Grub Tub’s tall sides keep the popcorn from over spilling the top of it’s bowl-like shape. With a free hand I could easily snack on the popcorn as I made my way inside the theater.

What’s unique about every individual Grub Tub is that they all come in fun, bold colors such as red or white to give your average theater snack a pop of excitement. The appearance of the tub appeals to anyone young or old. Kids get a kick out the fun colors and ribbed straw and adults have a free hand to get to their party into the movie swiftly.

With both my snack and beverage conveniently placed in one hand with Grub Tub, I was able to quickly present my ticket and head into the theater without distraction or spilling any popcorn. Finally seated, I could easily place my Grub Tub inside the cup holder which is a huge advantage inside a packed cinema of people. I didn't have to worry about making a mess or accidentally kicking the popcorn from under my feet as I usually would.

Grub Tub makes it so that your beverage and snack can sit front and center inside a single cup holder. This product made my movie experience all the more enjoyable for it's unique ability to provide convenience and multiply the snack items I was able to bring inside the theater with me. I can’t believe we’ve been without this product for so long! I highly encourage anyone to try Grub Tub because once you do, you won’t know how to snack any other way.

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